June 24, 2024

How to Export Pipedrive Data: A Step-by-Step Guide

Whether you’re looking to use your Pipedrive data for a detailed analysis, to generate a comprehensive report, or to leverage your data in any way you need, this guide has you covered! Fortunately, there are multiple ways to export data from Pipedrive to Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and many other destinations.

In this article, we will explore the various Pipedrive data export options available. Additionally, we will see how apimoon can help you with an automatic scheduled Pipedrive data export, ensuring your data is always up to date without manual effort.

Skip to the second half of the article if you want to learn how to export data natively with Pipedrive
Export Pipedrive data with apimoon

Exporting data using apimoon offers the same functionality as Pipedrive’s native export - plus a whole lot more! Apimoon can export your data with a single click of a button, you only have to set it up once.

All you need is an apimoon account and a setup Pipedrive connection.

Scheduled Pipedrive data export

Apimoon not only simplifies the export process but also provides various benefits, such as automated data export. Set it up once, and apimoon will handle the rest, ensuring your data is always up to date.

Apimoon’s automatic export sync allows for flexible scheduling. You can choose between every 15 minutes, every 30 minutes, every day, every week or every month. You can also specify export times and days of week.

To setup the scheduled Pipedrive data export, go to apimoon Exports dashboard and follow these steps:

1. Within the dashboard, create a New Export.
2. From there, select the source of your data, in this tutorial we are using Pipedrive.
3. The next step involves choosing which Pipedrive values you want to export. This option is identical to Pipedrive’s native export options. On top of that, you can use advanced filter options based on your needs. Once you’re happy with the selection, click “Continue”.
4. At this point, you can choose where you want your data to be exported. This option includes Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel, among others.
If you have not linked your apimoon account to the desired service yet, you will be prompted to do so.
5. Upon selecting the export destination, you will be asked to choose an existing Spreadsheet or create a new one and select to which Sheet you want the data to be exported to. You can also choose between overriding the data or appending them to previous data.
6. Once you click “Continue”, you will be redirected to the Export detail page. There, you can manually run your Export with the “Run” button. This will export data to your chosen destination! Alternatively, you can click the “See details” button, where you will be available to create an Automatic export.
7. The Details page shows you the Export history. If problem even occurred, its details would be listed here. If you ran your Export already, you should see the status of that export in the table.

The table on the right can be enabled to turn on the Automatic export option. Based on your subscription plan you will have various options of scheduling. Once you are happy with your selection, click the “Continue” button, which will save the schedule.

Export data from Pipedrive

Pipedrive offers a variety of detailed export options. You can export your Leads, Deals, Organizations, People, Products, Activities, Notes, or Files.

Using Pipedrive export functionality, you can download your data in either .xlsx (Excel) or .csv (comma-separated values) format.

Where to find the Export Data tab in Pipedrive?

First, navigate to Pipedrive’s homepage. You need to be logged in to your account for the following steps to work.

1. Locate your profile picture on the top right, as shown in the image below.
2. Click the profile picture, and a menu appears. Select "Tools and Apps," which is the second-to-last option.
3. This takes you to a new page with a left navigation menu. From this menu, navigate to the "Export data" tab.
4. On this page, select the desired Data Type and Export Format (Excel or CSV). Once done, click the green "Export" button.

This initiates the export, and a new “Generated Tables” section appears, listing all your export requests, including the request date, format, and size.

Once the export is ready, a blue download icon appears in the last column of the table, allowing you to download your exported data!

Disadvantages of Pipedrive Data Export

While Pipedrive’s export option is useful, it has some limitations:

Your Data isn’t up to date

To keep your data regularly updated, you must manually export it each time and then transfer it to your Excel or Google Sheets file. This process is inefficient and time-consuming, and can possibly lead to mistakes and inconsistencies.

Time consuming

One major disadvantage is the time it takes to export your data. After exporting, you might need to copy the data over to your desired application or Excel file, which can be time-consuming. This process takes away valuable time that could be spent on more productive tasks.

Limited export options

If you aren’t familiar with .csv files, your only option is exporting to Excel. If you prefer using Google Sheets, you will have to upload the file to Google Drive and then open it with Google Sheets, adding unnecessary steps.

In conclusion, while Pipedrive offers comprehensive export options, it is much easier to use apimoon in the long run. You can export your data in one click of a button or schedule the export to run at certain times of day - just as you want.